Conditions treated

With these two things "in mind" we started a new journey, out of the desire to be able to offer you,
in the heart of Oradea, easy access to recovery and increasing the quality of life.

We treat with great care:

Rheumatological conditions


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Degenerative diseases: arthrosis, gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, etc. 
■ Inflammatory conditions: bursitis, tendinitis, capsulitis, etc.
■ Rheumatoid arthritis
■ Ankylosing spondylitis

Traumatisme și Afecțiuni ortopedice


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■ After fractures, sprains, dislocations, meniscus tears, ligament or muscle tears
■ Post chirurgical: artroplastii, implanturi metalice, reconstrucție tendon, meniscectomii, ligamentoplastii etc.
■ Contracturi musculare
■ Hematom
■ Periartrite ale umărului
■ Pinten calcanean
■ Afecțiuni ale coloanei vertebrale: cervicalgii, dorsalgii, lombalgii
■ Mobilitatea redusă
■ Necroza aseptică de cap femural

Pediatric recovery


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Problems of vertebral statics

■ scolioze
■ cifoze
■ asimetrie umeri
■ deformari
■ arhitecturra piciorului
■ tulburari de crestere
■ hipotonie musculara
■ recuperare post traumatica
■ fracturi
■ entorse

Afecțiuni neurologice


Vezi detalii

■ Radiculopathy
■ Spasticity
■ Post Stroke Recovery
■ Disc herniation
■ Neuralgias
■ Lombosciatica
■ Sindromul de tunel carpian 

Pre and post birth recovery


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Sarcina este o perioadă importantă și delicată în viața femeii. În această perioadă, organismul femeii trece prin numeroase schimbări fiziologice și hormonale, iar aceste schimbări pot avea un impact semnificativ asupra sănătății ei. Recuperarea medicală post naștere este la fel de importantă ca și îngrijirea din timpul sarcinii 

Oncological recovery

Schedule at
Nevis Clinic

Fill out the form below and request an appointment at the Nevis Clinic.

What patients say about us

We are grateful for the messages of thanks received from our patients. We are happy to make a difference in the quality of life.

I had a great experience at the Nevis recovery clinic. Their dedicated and professional team provided me with support and guidance throughout the recovery process. I highly recommend Nevis Recovery Clinic to anyone in need of quality care.   

– Crina A. –

Nevis Recovery Clinic gave me exactly what I needed to get back from injury. Their staff were wonderful, always kind and encouraging. Each therapy session was well planned and tailored to my progress. I felt I was getting individualized attention and the treatment was effective. I highly recommend Nevis Recovery Clinic to anyone in need of high quality recovery services. 

– Cristi P. –

I have achieved remarkable results in my recovery and I thank them from the bottom of my heart for their constant support. I strongly recommend the Nevis recovery clinic. 

– Maria S. –
